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Believe It or Not
What Do Your Kids Really Think You Believe?

As parents, we’re all about belief. It’s not just about having confidence in things we can’t immediately see or prove. It’s about the way we feel and act based on what we believe deep down. Take parenting, for example. You believe you’re a parent, right? So, naturally, when you’re around your kids, you think, feel, and behave in line with the kind of parent you believe you are. But here’s the real kicker—what do you truly believe, and more importantly, what do your kids think you believe?
Our kids are more tuned in to our beliefs than we might like to admit.
Let me take you on a little trip down memory lane. Picture this: my kids were young, and I was determined to be the best role model ever. That meant no eating ice cream in front of them—no daily sweet tooth indulgences for me! So, I devised a foolproof plan: I’d wait until they were snug in their beds before sneaking into the kitchen for my nightly dessert. Genius, right? Fast forward a few years, and we’re sitting around reminiscing. Somehow, the topic of ice cream comes up, and to my shock, they start laughing about how they always knew I was the one polishing off all the ice cream! I asked how they knew, and while I don’t remember their exact words, somehow, they knew.
The moral of the story? Our kids pick up on everything—especially the things we think we’re hiding. Your beliefs, whether you share them or not, are teaching them something.
So, let’s talk homeschooling. Do you believe it’s the absolute best choice for your family? Are you so sold on it that you’re practically a walking billboard for homeschooling? Or, like many of us, does your belief waver on the tough days? Do you find yourself questioning your choices, or have you found a supportive community of like-minded families? Are you excited about school time with your kids, or is it something you just get through?
If you’re looking for a little boost in the belief department, let me introduce you to The Magic of Thinking Big. This book is packed with advice and encouragement for homeschooling parents, and here are my top three takeaways on the power of belief:

1. Your Mind Shapes Your Reality: Doubt and disbelief are like little gremlins in your brain, actively searching for ways to trip you up. If you believe something is impossible, or that your kids just aren’t “math people,” guess what? Your brain will work overtime to prove you right. But if you think victorious thoughts, especially in front of your kids, you start to change that narrative.
2. Belief Sets the Bar: What you believe you can accomplish is the thermostat that regulates your life. Adults often stop growing and trying new things after settling down, but we still push our kids to grow. When was the last time your kids saw you try something new? Challenge yourself, and you’ll strengthen your belief muscles—and theirs.
3. Words Have Power: Belief isn’t just about what you think—it’s about what you say. Sure, anyone can talk about what’s right in front of them, but real belief means speaking to what you can’t yet see. Mark 11:23 tells us to speak to the mountains and watch them move. Imagine the impact of speaking words of faith and life over your kids, even when no one else sees what you see.
Whatever you believe right now, remember this: God chose you to be your children’s parent. He’s equipped you with everything you need to homeschool in a way that honors Him and builds a strong foundation of belief for your entire family.
So go ahead, believe big!