Speak Life

How Affirmations Shape Your Success


When you think about people who are really good at what they do — athletes, performers, entrepreneurs — there’s one thing they almost always have in common: the language they use with themselves. The words they speak in their minds shape how they perform, how they see themselves, and how they experience the world.

I was reminded of this when I watched a documentary on Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world. He was training at a house, and what struck me was how everyone at that house shared his vision. They weren’t just cheering him on — they were speaking success into him.

While he was doing drills in the pool, the people around him were describing exactly what would happen in his race. They were saying things like:

• “You’re pulling ahead.”

• “You’re leaving the competition behind.”

• “The finish line is close.”

• “Push harder — you’re almost there!”

They were speaking the outcome into existence — not just motivating him, but helping him create a mental picture of success. Those words shaped how he saw himself and how he performed.

What Are You Saying to Yourself?

Now here’s the question for you:

When you wake up in the morning, what are you saying to yourself?

• When you head to work or school, what’s running through your mind?

• When you face a challenge — a math test, a difficult conversation, a new responsibility — what language are you using with yourself?

Because the truth is, the things you say to yourself are setting the tone for how you live. Your thoughts and words create the foundation for your confidence, effort, and overall quality of life.

Dan Peña, one of the most successful business coaches in the world, talks about how successful people use affirmations. They create their own set of affirmations — positive statements about who they are and what they want — and they say them out loud at least three times a day.

It’s like putting on your shoes in the morning. You put them on without thinking about it. But if you stop to focus, you’ll notice how they feel on your feet. Affirmations work the same way. If you don’t intentionally remind yourself who you are and what you’re capable of, you’ll forget.

A Spiritual Practice

This principle lines up perfectly with God’s Word. Scripture tells us to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2). It’s not enough to pray or read the Bible once a week and expect to stay strong. You have to wash your mind with the truth throughout the day. Just like you wouldn’t expect to stay physically clean with one shower a week, you can’t expect to stay mentally and spiritually strong with one reminder a week.

Create Your Affirmations

So here’s my encouragement to you:

1. Find out what you need to hear to be your best self right now.

2. Write it down — put it in the first person. (“I am confident.” “I am strong.” “I am capable.”)

3. Say it out loud at least three times a day.

Start speaking life into yourself. Become the leader of your own fan club. Think of yourself the same way God thinks of you — as someone He created for greatness. He doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t create messes. So stop talking to yourself like you’re a failure.

Shift the script. Start speaking success into existence. Write those affirmations down and make this life a masterpiece.

Now It’s Your Turn:

1. Create Your Affirmations: Write down three positive statements about yourself and repeat them daily.

2. Subscribe: If this spoke to you, make sure you’re subscribed to Homeschool Aficionado so you don’t miss the next issue!

3. Share: If you know someone who needs to hear this, forward this article to them. Let’s start speaking life together!